이수 구분 | 과정 | 교과목 번 호 | 교 과 목 명 / 영문 | 학점 |
기초공통 | 석·박 |
8804090 |
연구방법론 | Research Methodology | 3-3-0 |
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8804091 |
영어논문 작성 및 발표 | English paper writing and presentation | 3-3-0 |
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8804092 |
연구설계와 통계적 방법 | Research design and statistical methods | 3-3-0 |
전공공통 | 석 사 |
8804072 |
고등트랙터공학 | Advanced Tractor Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804073 |
고등수치해석 | Advanced Numerical Analysis | 3-3-0 |
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8804074 |
응용통계 및 자료분석 | Applied Statistics and Data Analysis | 3-3-0 |
박 사 |
8804075 |
재생에너지특론 | Special Topics in Renewable Energy | 3-3-0 |
농산시설기계특론 | Special Topics in Facilities and Machinery for Agricultural Process | 3-3-0
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8804077 |
식물공장특론 | Special Topics in Plant Factory | 3-3-0 |
연구과제 | 석 사 |
8804996 |
연구윤리 및 연구과제Ⅰ | Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅠ | 3-3-0 |
박 사 |
8804997 |
연구윤리 및 연구과제Ⅱ | Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅡ | 3-3-0 |
전공 심화 |
∙바이오 시스템 공 학 전 공 (담당교수: 노현권 이동훈 이훈수 신창섭 이정현) |
석·박 |
8804003 |
고등농업기계설계 | Advanced Design of Farm Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804005 |
고등동역학 | Advanced Dynamics | 3-3-0 |
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8804011 |
농업기계분석 | Analysis of Agricultural Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804012 |
농용로보트공학 | Agricultural Robotics Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804013 |
농용차량견인역학 | Traction Mechanics of Agricultural Vehicles | 3-3-0 |
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8804015 |
유한요소법 | Finite Element Method | 3-3-0 |
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8804017 |
컴퓨터시뮬레이션특론 | Special Topics in Computer Simulation | 3-3-0 |
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8804018 |
컴퓨터영상처리공학특론 | Special Topics in Computer Image processing | 3-3-0 |
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8804022 |
고등자동제어공학 | Advanced Automatic Control | 3-3-0 |
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8804026 |
농업생산기계학특론 | Special Topics in Agricultural Production Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804027 |
농업생산자동화특론 | Special Topics in Agricultural Automation | 3-3-0 |
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8804028 |
농업수확기계학특론 | Special Topics in Agriculture Harvesting Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804029 |
시설농업공학특론 | Special Topics in Greenhouse Cultivation | 3-3-0 |
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8804030 |
자동제어공학특론 | Special Topics in Automatic Control | 3-3-0 |
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8804031 |
식품가공기계특론 | Special Topics in Food Process Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804032 |
고등내연기관 | Advanced Internal Combustion Engines | 3-3-0 |
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8804033 |
전산유체역학 | Computational Fluid Dynamics | 3-3-0 |
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8804034 |
고등유체기계 | Advanced Fluid Machinery | 3-3-0 |
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8804051 |
농산물건조론 | Drying of Agricultural Producsts | 3-3-0 |
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8804052 |
농산물저장론 | Storage of Agricultural Products | 3-3-0 |
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8804053 |
미립화및분무 | Atomization and Sprays | 3-3-0 |
농산물선별공학특론 | Special Topics in Agricultural Products Sorting Engineering | 3-3-0
농산가공공학특론 | Special Topics in Design of Agricultural Food Process Engineering | 3-3-0
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8804062 |
고등컴퓨터응용설계 | Advanced Computer Aided Design | 3-3-0 |
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8804063 |
정밀농업 | Precision Agriculture | 3-3-0 |
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8804065 |
고등열전달 | Advanced Heat Transfer | 3-3-0 |
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8804066 |
고등물질전달 | Advanced Mass Transfer | 3-3-0 |
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8804068 |
바이오센서공학 | Biosensor Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804069 |
생물영상처리 | Biomaterial Image Processing | 3-3-0 |
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8804071 |
바이오연료공학 | Biofuel Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804078 |
고등계측공학 | Advanced Instrumentation Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804079 |
바이오인공지능공학 | Artificial Intelligent Engineering for Biological Systems | 3-3-0 |
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8804080 |
진동공학특론 | Special Topics in Vibration Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804081 |
농식품물성공학 | Agricultural Food Properties Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804082 |
농식품공정설계특론 | Special Topics in Agricultural Process Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804083 |
수확후처리공학특론 | Special Topics in Postharvest Engineering | 3-3-0 |
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8804084 |
비파괴생체공학특론 | Special Topics in Nondestructive Biological Engineering | 3-3-0 |
바이오시스템공학세미나Ⅰ 및 종합설계 | Seminar in Biosystems EngineeringⅠ (Capstone Design) | 3-3-0
바이오시스템공학세미나Ⅱ 및 종합설계 | Seminar in Biosystems EngineeringⅡ (Capstone Design) | 3-3-0
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8804087 |
고등실험설계 | Advanced Experimental Design | 3-3-0 |
머신러닝 임베디드시스템 설계(캡스톤디자인) | Design of embedded system for machine learning-Capstone Design | 3-3-0
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8804094 |
바이오인포메틱스 공학 | Engineering of Bio Informatics | 3-3-0 |
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8804095 |
토양기계시스템 | Soil Machine system | 3-3-0 |
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8804097 |
분광분석학특론 | Advanced spectroscopy analysis | 3-3-0 |
응용영상처리공학 | Applied Computer Image Processing Engineering | 3-3-0